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2007年6月7日 星期四

Sonica 音速小子



Help Sonic go through Dark Dungeons. ...


旋轉: 空白鍵
蹲下: 方向鍵下

Rush: Space bar
Down : Down arrow key
Turn left: Left arrow key
Turn Right: Right arrow key



1. This "Sonic the Hedgehog: Ultimate Flash Sonic" online game features a Password Save function which allows you to return to the game in the future at the same level that you were playing previously. To use it, go to the Get Password menu when you have finished a playing session and make a written note of the password. The next time you play the game in this website, enter that password and then start the game using the character you played as last time. You can then choose to start the game at the same level, or any of the previous levels, you played before.

2. As well as being able to play the game as Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and Cream, there are two more playable characters to unlock via the Password Save function - Amy Rose and Shadow!

3.You will also find a variety of fun cheats become available as you progress through the game's levels. Go to the Cheats menu when you have finished a playing session to see if any have been unlocked, and if they have try the game again with them turned on. The use of the passwords also allows you to access the cheats.

4. In addition to the main game, there is also a Time Trial mode to play where you can attempt to set fastest times for each level with each character, including those you unlock through the main game's passwords.

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