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2007年7月12日 星期四

Tomb Chess 墓碑棋

Tomb Chess 墓碑棋
Tomb Chess 墓碑棋

Tomb Chess 墓碑棋

General Information and Strategy

A strategy chess-like game. Your objective is to clear the board (graveyard) of your opponent’s pieces (ghouls). Unlike regular chess, you do not see a playing piece until it rises from the grave and you do not know if it will be on your side or your opponent’s until it actually appears.

Each 'chess' piece is ranked in strength from 1 to 6. In general, a higher ranked ghoul can kill another ghoul of equal or lesser strength. However, this does not apply to the pawn - in addition to being able to kill other pawns, it can kill the king, but the king cannot kill the pawn.

The name and strength of a playing piece is shown in the bottom of the game screen.

Selection and Movement

The game begins with a graveyard full of tombs. You can click on any undisturbed grave to make a ghoul rise. The ghoul may either be one of yours or your opponents (50 : 50 chance either way). So you always face the risk of raising a ghoul for your opponent.

To move one of your own ghouls, simply click on it and then select an empty space immediately adjacent to it.

Remember - you can only move a ghoul if there is an empty space next to it or if there is an opponent piece that can be attacked.

All playing pieces can only move one space up, down, left or right.

At any time during the game you can either move an already raised ghoul or raise a new ghoul from the grave.

How a game ends

A game can end in 2 ways:

1) When all your pieces or your opponent’s have been cleared from the board.

2) If a stalemate or draw is reached - whereby you only have one piece left that is weaker than your opponents, but you cannot attack and have not been killed in 10 moves.

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